The end of the year is always a time for reflection. That’s why many of us make those ubiquitous New Year resolutions—to celebrate successes and recognize disappointments, note all we have accomplished and set goals for the year to come. Over the past few months, Mike and I have been musing on Dovetail’s 2015 and what 2016 may bring. Our biggest success story? Our staff! We could not be more thankful for our immensely talented team and their achievements over the past year. We saw several key staff members take on notable tasks and brought on exceptional new Dovetailers from across the country, allowing us to expand our service sectors into several new regions.

We are also extraordinarily lucky to have the opportunity to work in such a supportive industry with incredible clients. This year, we had the honor of receiving a 2015 American Council of Engineering Companies award for our participation in the McIntire Road project in Charlottesville, Virginia and were Sponsors of the Year for the Women in Transportation organization. Oh, and we celebrated our 10th year in business. All in all? A pretty incredible year if we do say so ourselves! But 2016 is framing out to be an event better one. In 2016, we resolve:

  • To continue excellent customer service through constant communication, great research, and creative solutions to cultural resource compliance
  • To always remember that our employees are our colleagues and help them to become the next generation of leaders in our field
  • To encourage staff and clients to share project results through presentations and publications to assure that the public benefits from our exciting findings
  • To continue to work in our community through volunteerism, pro bono projects, and charitable donations to give back to the areas that have given so much to us

Thanks to everyone who has made 2015 another incredible year! We’re really looking forward to seeing what 2016 will bring. And if you ever want to learn more about Dovetail, please feel free to reach out to us ([email protected]). We would love to hear from you….

Thanks for reading!
Kerri Barile, President