Featured Fragment Blog

Enduring Wet Weather in the Civil War

Enduring Wet Weather in the Civil War

By Cameron Boutin This blog is by Dovetail Historian Cameron Boutin, who is sharing just some of his fascinating dissertation research on soldiers during the Civil War. United States (U.S.) and Confederate soldiers in the Civil War experienced the pressures of weather...

Jelly Juice Jars in Public Schools

Jelly Juice Jars in Public Schools

By Colleen Betti When you think about artifacts associated with schoolhouses, slate pencils, writing slates, ink bottles, and marbles come to mind. But when I excavated at three 1880s–1950s African American schoolhouse sites in Gloucester County, Virginia for my...

Male Vanity: Just for Men in the 19th Century

Male Vanity: Just for Men in the 19th Century

By Lee Priddy and Bill Liebeknecht The start of the 19th century saw the transition from powdered wigs as the fashionable hair accessory to flawlessly groomed, short hairstyles for men. The popularity of neatly trimmed hair and facial hair, the preference for brown...

An Unusual Find from Northern New Jersey

An Unusual Find from Northern New Jersey

 ,,  By Bill Liebeknecht  While conducting a controlled Phase I archaeological surface collection of a precontact site in northern New Jersey for a proposed development, an unusual find was discovered: a dense, polished, cylindrical-shaped piece of chiastolite....

Sometimes Ceramics Are More Helpful Than Coins!

Sometimes Ceramics Are More Helpful Than Coins!

By K. Lee Priddy "When does a specific artifact date from and how do you know?” is one of the most frequent questions that I receive when talking to the public. It allows me to discuss manufacturing dates of ceramics, bottles, and metals and the methods that we use to...

DIY Currency: It Just Makes Cents

DIY Currency: It Just Makes Cents

By: Katie Rezendes With war comes shortages ¾ from food and supplies to even physical money. The American Civil War was no exception to this reality. By the second year of the war in 1862, government-issued currency was quickly disappearing as people began to hoard...