North East Nazarene Camp Study

Cecil County, Maryland


Dovetail completed extensive coordination and numerous cultural resource tasks for the redevelopment of the former Nazarene Camp in North East, Maryland. Plans included the removal of the early-twentieth-century church camp buildings and creation of an expansive warehouse, roadways, and other associated modifications. The project required a permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps), thus requiring compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Dovetail worked closely with the Corps, the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT)—the Maryland State Historic Preservation Office—and the Town of North East to assure that all federal, state, and local preservation legislation was met. As the project will have an adverse effect on the Nazarene Camp, Dovetail authored a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to outline steps to mitigate the adverse effects and coordinated all studies with involved groups.

Technical studies included:

  • The completion of Historic American Building Survey (HABS) documentation of extant resources on the parcel
  • Archival research
  • Intensive-level architectural analysis
  • Large-format photography
  • Oral histories with families who once attended the camp
  • Design of a series of interpretive signs

This project highlights Dovetail’s experience helping developers comply with federal, state, and local guidelines and completing all associated technical studies, notably on a complex project with many stakeholders. All of the work complied with permit and MOA stipulations.