Meet the Team!

Kerri Barile Tambs, PhD, RPA
Principal Investigator
Dr. Barile has 30 years of experience in the fields of cultural resource management (CRM), archaeology, architectural history, historic research, and public outreach. In addition to technical knowledge, she is an expert in coordinating complex projects under various federal, state, and local laws, including Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the National Environmental Policy Act, and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act. Kerri has worked with hundreds of agencies, localities, and consulting parties, and developed dozens of Programmatic Agreements and Memorandum of Agreements. She has also taught university courses in historic preservation and CRM and published professional articles and books on her studies. Dr. Barile is also active in the community. Recently, she was awarded the 2020 Enterprising Woman of the Year award by Enterprising Woman Magazine, the 2020 Woman of the Year award from the Woman in Transportation Seminar-Central Virginia Chapter, and 2021 Alumni of the Year from the University of Mary Washington.

Mike L. Carmody, MA, RPA
Principal Investigator
Mr. Carmody brings over three decades of experience in the field of archaeology and CRM with a focus on archaeology in the transportation and energy sectors within recent years. He has directed excavations of a wide array of archaeological sites in Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and has written and contributed extensively to CRM reports. His current responsibilities at Dovetail include managerial and technical tasks associated with archaeological assessments and Phase I, II, and III investigations, and consultation with and representation of clients before state and national review agencies. His knowledge of federal, state, and local preservation regulations, as well as his vast experience working with tribal consultation, has greatly aided a host of preservation and development initiatives. Outside of Dovetail, Mr. Carmody is active in the community, serving on a variety of boards and coaching local youth sports teams.

Nicki Sauvageau Combs, MA, MBA, RPA
Operations Manager
Ms. Combs has worked in the field of cultural resource management for over 15 years. In addition to a background in operations management, as well as master’s degrees in archaeology and business administration, she has worked as a field archaeologist in many states throughout the country, from Alaska to Virginia, performing and supervising all phases of archaeological fieldwork and authoring numerous CRM reports. Her responsibilities at Dovetail include day-to-day management of company operations, including human resource (HR) administration, finance and accounting, and business planning. Outside of Dovetail, Ms. Combs serves as the Treasurer of the American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) and co-chairs ACRA’s Metrics and Standards Committee.
Architectural Historians and Historians

Adriana Moss, BA
Architectural History Program Coordinator/Architectural Historian II
Ms. Moss has considerable experience in many preservation-related fields including architectural history, archaeology, and historic research. Prior to joining the architectural history staff at Dovetail, Ms. Moss served as the archaeology lab assistant, expanding her vast knowledge in both above- and below-ground resources. Her current responsibilities include managerial and technical tasks associated with all phases of historic cultural resource investigations across the Mid Atlantic as well as contributing to marketing tasks and proposal development for a variety of project types. In conjunction with her technical and business development tasks, she also serves as our Architectural History Program Coordinator in which she is responsible for training and guidance to other staff in the program. She is currently a member of the City of Fredericksburg’s Architectural Review Board and volunteers for local preservation organizations.

Samantha Mathias, MA
Field Director - Architectural History
Ms. Mathias’ experience in historic preservation, architectural history, and archival research includes academic and professional experience working with community members in the Mid Atlantic. She received her BA in history with a concentration in public history from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), as well as an MA in historical studies on the public history track from UMBC. Her skills have been utilized by local partners in the Baltimore and Rockville area of Maryland to write architectural surveys, create exhibit designs, consult GIS data to work with 3-D capturing technology, and generate historic contexts and reports to be used in larger projects. She capitalizes on these skills at Dovetail to contribute to survey projects and historic research.

Kelsey Schneehagen-Parker, BA
Field Director- Architectural History
Ms. Parker has five years’ professional experience in the fields of historical/archival research, architectural history, archaeology, and CRM. After receiving a BA in Anthropology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and before being employed with Dovetail, she has had the opportunity to work with several organizations within the public, private, and academic sectors within Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. After a small hiatus, Ms. Parker has returned to the preservation front to capitalize on her skills and contribute to future survey projects and historic research.

W. Valentine White, MA
Field Director- Architectural History
Mr. White has experience in historical/archival research, architectural history, museum studies, and public history. He has researched buildings, districts, objects, structures, and sites in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia. He received his MA in public history from the University of North Carolina Wilmington and received an MA in historic preservation from the University of Maryland. Before his employment at Dovetail, he worked in historic house museums in Virginia and North Carolina, and he has worked on preservation and interpretation projects in Maryland and Virginia.

Cameron Boutin, PhD
Historian I
Mr. Boutin received his PhD in history at the University of Kentucky in December 2023 and completed his MA and BS in history at Northeastern University. His PhD area of focus was American war and society to 1877, particularly the Civil War era; his dissertation examined the struggles of soldiers against the weather in all parts of their military service during the Civil War. Besides his academic studies, he has numerous years of professional experience in the field of public history, including working as a park ranger for the National Park Service at Camp Nelson National Monument. He has authored numerous articles and book reviews that have been published in various scholarly journals.
Archaeologists and Lab Staff

Andy Martin, MA
Archaeological Program Coordinator/Project Archaeologist II
Mr. Martin has two decades of experience in the field of archaeology in both CRM and research excavations. He has had the opportunity to work on and lead numerous precontact, historic, and cemetery excavations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, Maryland, Virginia, and New Hampshire. As archaeological program coordinator Mr. Martin oversees Dovetail’s scheduling, field staffing, and mentors the archaeological staff. Mr. Martin has also been published in the Journal of the Archaeological Society of New Jersey, authored numerous Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference papers, and is a coauthor on a volume on the Ness of Brodgar excavations in Orkney, Scotland.

Logan Barger, BA
Crew Chief
Ms. Barger has over four years of experience as a professional archaeologist in both the CRM and public archaeology sectors. She received a BA in historic preservation from the University of Mary Washington in 2017 and a Postgraduate Diploma in architectural conservation from the University of Edinburgh in 2020. She has conducted a variety of Phase I, II, and III archaeological surveys across Virginia, with her primary focus being historic sites of the eighteenth through nineteenth centuries.

Colleen Betti, PhD
Project Archaeologist I
Colleen Betti has over a decade of experience in the fields of archaeology and historic research in the mid-Atlantic region, particularly on seventeenth through twentieth century historic sites. She has had the opportunity to work on projects in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina. Her work has been published in the Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritag,e and she has presented numerous papers at the Society for Historical Archaeology conference, the Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference, Southeastern Archaeological Conference, and the Archeological Society of Virginia conference. Ms. Betti currently serves on the board of the Woodville Rosenwald School Foundation.

Alex Bynum-Surratt, BA
Crew Chief
Ms. Bynum-Surratt has extensive experience in the CRM field, including Phase I, II, and III fieldwork in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. She has had the opportunity to work on various historic sites in a public archaeology setting and through CRM work. At Dovetail, Ms. Bynum-Surratt provides day-to-day management of field crews including fieldwork planning and execution.

Luke Donohue, MA, RPA
Project Archaeologist I
Mr. Donohue has nearly a decade of diverse experience in archaeology, including Phase I, II, and III fieldwork in the eastern United States. He has conducted and operated as the project manager for a variety of Phase I projects—including coordination experience with other CRM firms and federal, tribal, state, and local agencies—in over 30 states, including Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia involving both precontact- and historic-period resources. Mr. Donohue also has extensive experience with researching, writing, and editing CRM reports in both telecommunication and transportation industries.

Bill Liebeknecht, MA, RPA
Project Archaeologist II
Mr. Liebeknecht’s abundant experience includes writing and implementing CRM research designs. He has worked on CRM projects in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia and has directed numerous archaeological surveys and excavations on precontact and historic sites, with a focus on the material culture of the Mid Atlantic. At Dovetail, Mr. Liebeknecht also assists in marketing and business development in addition to his primary role as an archaeologist, conducting excavations and authoring reports for all phases of excavations. He has authored numerous articles in the Archaeological Society of New Jersey Bulletin, Occasional Publications in Northeastern Anthropology, the Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Delaware, Pennsylvania Archaeologist, the Trenton Potteries, Newsletter of the Potteries of Trenton Society, the Victorian Ceramics Group Newsletter, and Ceramics in America. He also authored chapters in regional books on historic archaeology.

Kevin McCloskey, BA
Field Director- Archaeology
Mr. McCloskey has over 15 years of professional experience in the field of archaeology, particularly in the CRM field. He has had the opportunity to work on and lead Phase I, II, and III archaeological projects in a wide range of geographic and archaeological settings at archaeological sites in Virginia, North Carolina, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Florida, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Notably, he has led field efforts and report writing on surveys for several multi-county transportation infrastructure projects, in addition to directing and participating in large Phase II investigations on Department of Defense facilities.

Katherine Lee Priddy, MA
Archaeological Lab Manager
Ms. Priddy has 15 years of experience in archaeological laboratories, collections management, archaeological fieldwork, and historical research at cultural resource management firms and historical museums. With a focus on the Mid-Atlantic, New England, and the Caribbean, she has vast experience cataloging and analyzing material culture from Pre-Clovis through the present. Prior to coming to Dovetail, she spent 13 years with the federal government utilizing GIS and geospatial databases to create infrastructure maps and conduct data analysis within several situational awareness systems.

Jessica Miller, BA
Crew Chief
Jessica Miller has extensive experience in the CRM and public archaeology fields. Her Phase I, II, and III fieldwork has primarily been in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Virginia. She has worked on precontact sites and a variety of historic sites including battlefields and cemeteries. Ms. Miller also has experience in the archaeological lab including artifact identification/research, cataloging, and preparing artifacts for shipment to the respective state repositories per their guidelines. She also has experience in GIS as it pertains to ground penetrating radar.

Fernando Ramirez-Cotto, BA
Field Director- Archaeology
Mr. Ramirez-Cotto has over 11 years of professional experience in the field of archaeology, particularly in the CRM realm. He has had the opportunity to work on and lead Phase I, II, and III archaeological projects in a wide range of geographic and archaeological settings on archaeological sites in Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan, Missouri, and California. Notably, he has led field efforts and contributed to reports on multi-site Phase II surveys for Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands, two 10,000 acre+ Phase IB surveys for the United States Forest Service, and a precontact data recovery for the National Park Service.

Kat Baganski
Archaeological Collections Coordinator
Ms. Baganski has three years’ professional experience in the fields of archaeology and art conservation, including the conservation of wooden objects, textiles, and archaeological materials. Since receiving her B.A. in anthropology and environmental policy from the College of William & Mary, she has worked as a Project Archaeologist and conducted fieldwork across the eastern United States, as well as handled the curation of more than 250 archaeological collections. Planning to earn a graduate degree in the conservation of cultural materials, Ms. Baganski has worked alongside multiple private-practice conservators and is a member of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC). At Dovetail, she ensures that all cultural materials are respectfully treated, housed according to archival standards, and delivered to the appropriate facility for long-term storage, research, or display.

Jolene Keen, MS
GIS Specialist
Mrs. Keen has over a decade of experience applying geospatial methods and technology to a variety of fields ranging from energy prospection to landscape modelling to CRM. Her graduate education focused on applying modern geospatial techniques to analyze historical maps and aerial photography. Her archaeological experience covers the American Southeast, Mid Atlantic, and Great Plains, as well as Belize. She is experienced with database management for museum collections, member services, cultural records, and more. Her primary responsibilities at Dovetail include geospatial data processing and map production.

Jordan Schaefer, MA, RPA
GIS Specialist
Mr. Schaefer has a decade of experience in archaeology and emphasizes geospatial applications in his work. He has conducted several research projects throughout the Southeast, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic that examine the spatial distributions of archaeological sites, especially open-air rock art and cave art sites. In addition, he has used remote sensing technology, such as photogrammetry, lidar, and ground penetrating radar (GPR), to aid in the interpretation and preservation of archaeological sites. He is a member of many professional archaeological organizations, has presented numerous papers at conferences, and has published in Southeastern Archaeology and Historical Archaeology. Mr. Schaefer’s responsibilities at Dovetail include cartography, predictive modeling, and assisting with other geospatial needs.
Administration, Marketing, and Production

Alina D’Isidoro Rubsam
Financial Assistant
As Dovetail’s financial assistant, Ms. Rubsam is the key personnel for the preparation of invoices and performing many other financial tasks. She has worked with billing for Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, and Delaware, among others, as well as a variety of individual clients. Ms. Rubsam has experience in office management and in the field as a project coordinator. Additional duties include HR, account reconciliation, State and Federal certifications and registration, and management of day-to-day operations.

Stacey Madigan
Administrative Assistant
Ms. Madigan has over 25 years of administrative experience, supporting executives and businesses across a wide range of industries. As Dovetail’s Administrative Assistant, Ms. Madigan provides direct administrative support to upper management, assists in the daily operation of the Fredericksburg office, provides ancillary support to the staff in the Delaware office, and plays a key role in the production and delivery of final project reports to clients. Ms. Madigan also provides logistical support to Dovetail’s field crew in both offices, including overseeing fleet vehicle maintenance and booking hotel reservations.

Gaynell Murrell
Business Administration Specialist
Ms. Murrell has extensive professional experience in accounting and management. As the Business Administration Specialist for Dovetail, she provides direct support to upper management to facilitate the day-to-day administrative oversight of the company, primarily in areas related to company finances and the accounting and project management database. Responsibilities also extend to benefits administration, coordination with other administrative and technical staff, and data gathering and interpretation to support company decision making and long-term strategy development.

Marina Tinkcom, MA, RPA
Report Manager/Project Archaeologist I
As Report Manager at Dovetail, Ms. Tinkcom conducts and manages the editing and copyediting of written products and maintains quality assurance and quality control of reports and other deliverables. Along with these duties, she ensures required federal, state, and local preservation laws and guidelines are met, including Section 106 of the NHPA. Marina is responsible for assessing, developing, and implementing—as well as managing and mentoring staff regarding—Dovetail’s reporting standards and procedures. Other responsibilities include historic research to develop historic contexts across Dovetail’s service area and other writing, research, project management, and GIS contributions, as needed. Ms. Tinkcom has been working in the CRM industry for eight years with a professional background in project management, research, technical report writing, GIS mapping, and collections management. She is a certified FAA Part 107 drone pilot and has been involved in all facets of a variety of CRM projects.