Featured Fragment Blog

Time For Tea

Featured Fragment – Mended Pearlware Tea Bowl By Kerry S. González Several hundreds of years before tea was being consumed in the Americas (and even Britain), it was widely consumed in Asia. European traders residing in Asia during the seventeenth and eighteenth...

Mystery Medal

Featured Fragment – Braehead Manor Medallion By Kerry S. Gonzalez Our past blog posts typically include interesting details on an artifact that we find particularly notable. However, for this post we are going to highlight an artifact that we know very little about in...

A Wooden Well in Action

Featured Fragment – The Armstrong-Rogers Well Pump By Joseph Blondino and Kerry S. Gonzalez During a data recovery at the Armstrong-Rogers site, a mid-eighteenth through late-nineteenth century domestic site in Delaware, Dovetail Cultural Resource Group excavated a...

What’s in the Attic?

Featured Fragment - Archaeology in historic Salubria's attic On August 23, 2011, 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck central Virginia with its epicenter in Louisa County. The earthquake caused massive damage to eighteenth-century Salubria, a Georgian home located in...

Dolls of many parts

Featured Fragment - Houston-LeCompt archaeological site's dolls For hundreds of years, dolls have been a staple in homes with young children.  When discovered archaeologically, these playthings reveal much about the culture of those who played with them.  Dolls...

Digging by the River

Featured Fragment—Riverfront Park During the summer of 2013 Dovetail conducted excavations at the Riverfront Park in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Many cultural features were identified, including a large icehouse which served the residents of Fredericksburg. While...

Within the Dirt

Featured Fragment—Archeobotanical Studies In the summer of 2014 Dovetail Cultural Resource Group conducted a Phase III excavation on a late-eighteenth century site in Fredericksburg, Virginia. While this site produced an abundance of artifacts—noteworthy on their own...

Glowing Glass Discovery

Featured Fragment—Vaseline Glass In a recent excavation Dovetail Cultural Resource group found several fragments of what is known as Vaseline glass. This glass ranges in color from yellow to green and was manufactured from the 1840s to 1940. What is interesting about...

A Toast to the King!

Featured Fragment–Fall Hill Avenue Finds By Kerry S. González During Phase III excavations for the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Fall Hill Avenue Expansion Project in Fredericksburg, Virginia, a small family-sized punch bowl with evidence of ceramic mending...

A Community Comes Together

Featured Fragment–The Marshall-Bell Kiln Site It started with a frantic phone call from an employee with the City of Fredericksburg: a construction crew downtown had uncovered a mass of stoneware fragments. The Marshall-Bell site, named after the known potters of this...

Time Keeps Ticking

Featured Fragment – Houston-LeCompt Site clock parts Clocks have been an integral role in the home for centuries. Measuring time was needed for many aspects of home life but clocks were also used to display status. As Richardson Wright said in 1927, “It is said that...