Featured Fragment Blog

Every Woman Needs a Little Black Dress

By Kerry S. González and Sara Rivers Cofield In the late winter of 2020, PQ (Pre-Quarantine), Dovetail conducted an archaeological excavation of a family cemetery associated with a branch of the Embrey family in Stafford, Virginia. The small plot contained the graves...

An Artifact as Stubborn as a Donkey: We Need Your Help?

By Kerry S. González For our last blog of 2019 we are once again revisiting artifacts recovered from the Trogdon-Squirrel Creek site, a mid- to late-nineteenth-century domestic site in Randolph County, North Carolina. On behalf of the North Carolina Department of...

The HumunGIS Importance of Mapping Data at Archaeological Sites

Featured Fragment – HumunGIS Importance of GIS By D. Brad Hatch and Emily Calhoun Since this past Wednesday (November 13, 2019) was Geographic Information System (GIS) Day, we’ve decided to dedicate this week’s blog to highlighting how archaeologists use GIS as a tool...

Hindsite is 20/20: A Look at Historic Eyewear

Featured Fragment – Historic Eyewear By Kerry S. González We’ve decided to continue our series highlighting the artifacts recovered from the Trogdon-Squirrel Creek site in Randolph County, North Carolina for the month of September. On behalf of the North Carolina...

50th Blog!

This month celebrates our 50th blog post and in honor of this anniversary we will be revisiting our top three most-popular blogs. To see which blogs made the cut, please follow the links below. To date, our most popular blog, reaching almost 7,000 people on Facebook...

A “Classical” Case—Creamware at the Fredericksburg Riverfront

By Kerry S. González For our devoted followers, you may remember seeing a blog post back in 2015 on the creamware fragment below, found in 2013 during our Phase I survey of the Riverfront Park in Fredericksburg, Virginia (Photo 1). We are revisiting this piece because...

The Nose Knows: A Perfume Bottle from Fredericksburg

By: Kerry S. González Often times local residents interested in the history of the area, or more specifically the history of their property, bring us artifacts to identify. Most recently a long-time resident of Fredericksburg brought us some materials found during...