

Recognition and Accolades

Dovetail Cultural Resource Group, a Mead & Hunt Company (Dovetail), is dedicated to preserving and celebrating our commitment to excellence in archaeological and historical research, preservation planning, and public engagement. This commitment has been acknowledged by prestigious organizations and industry experts. Each award serves as a testament to our unwavering passion for cultural resource management and our continuous efforts to provide outstanding services to our clients. Explore this page to discover the remarkable achievements that distinguish Dovetail’s team as a leader in the field.

American Association of State and Local History (AASLH) Award of Excellence, 2022

Received in partnership with John Dickinson Plantation for the research and discovery of the African burial ground

University of Mary Washington (UMW) Alumni of the Year (Kerri Barile), 2021

Recognition for decades of support of UMW students including establishing a scholarship in the Department of Historic Preservation, participation on the Board of Visitors, and overall community engagement

Women in Transportation Seminar (WTS) Central Virginia, Woman of the Year (Kerri Barile), 2020

Recognition for over 30 years of service to the transportation industry through the documentation of cultural resources and exceptional agency service

Enterprising Women Magazine’s Women of the Year (Kerri Barile), 2020

Exemplary customer service, community outreach, and scholarship as President of Dovetail

Virginia Transportation Construction Alliance Engineering Award, 2018

As part of the WRA team, won the award for the East Riverfront Road project in the greater than $10m non-VDOT category

American Council of Engineering Companies of Virginia Grand Award, 2016

Part of the RK&K Team; Received in recognition of sensitive design of modifications to McIntyre Park as part of the larger Route 250 improvement project; Dovetail completed HALS-level documentation of two city parks and crafted interpretive signage

Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. Executive Director’s Special Recognition Award, 2015

Received in recognition of archaeological research at the Marshall–Bell Kiln site, an early-19th-century pottery at William and Winchester Streets in Fredericksburg, Virginia

Women in Transportation Seminar Sponsor of the Year, 2014

Received in recognition of our support of the Central Virginia Chapter of the Woman in Transportation Seminar, including participation in the Transportation YOU program and presentations to the membership on cultural resource topics

District Of Columbia Award For Excellence In Historic Preservation, 2012

Received for archaeology in recognition of work at Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, located in Georgetown’s Historic District